Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

Went for Velcade infusion today; no problems. BP was 130/79, WBC = 7.2, Hemoglobin = 14.5, Hemocrit = 14.5, platelets = 44, RBC = 4.59, and creatinine = 0.9. Also got the results of last weeks (6/8/2010), more extensive lab results: Igg = 1432 (normal and down form 6/1/2010 results, M-spike = 1.1, unchanged, and Kappa LC = 3.12, an increase from the previous weeks result of 2.58.

Last Tuesday (6/8/2010), I talked to the stem cell transplant specialist. He is inclined to curtail or reduce chemo and just monitor my blood chemistry over time. If cancer markers go up, then a stem cell transplant may be in order. He and my O/H will discuss this and develop a recommendation. For the time being, weekly chemo will continue. He also has scheduled me for a complete CAT scan just to see in no additional bone lesions have developed. The CAT scan will take place this Friday.

A review of medicare guidelines is that stem cell transplants require the patient to be at Durie-Salmon Stage II or Stage III. It is not clear that my MM is this far advanced (yeah!!!). The CAT scan may provide additional information on this.

This past weekend. my wife went to St. Augustine and ate oysters and seafood and drink draft beer. Very nice.

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